Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Query Letters and Books, Oh my!

Historical Fiction was Queen of the Day in Chicago this past weekend. I attended the Historical novel Society conference, an international gathering of novelists who talked historical fiction for three days. I was in heaven. Our keynote speaker was none other than Sharon Kay Penman (The Sun in Splendour and other great books).
Our welcoming tote bags held 9 (you read that right—nine) free historicals. As if that weren't enough, anyone who took part in the Costume Pageant Saturday night received three more, from the likes of Phillippa Gregory and other famous authors. (That's me to the right in my medieval tunic, complete with alms purse). On Sunday morning we were scrambling to mail our books home, but the bookstore kindly offered boxes, saving the day.
The workshops were awesome, as always. I moderated a panel of two agents and two other authors, titled Query Letters that Worked. The room was filled, and we had an overflow that spilled into the hallway, all authors intent on hearing how to craft a query letter that would succeed.
Now I have to come back to earth and finish revisions on my next book, The Tapestry Shop, due out in 2010 from Five Star.
Wishing all of you good reads and great writing.


  1. Hi Mary: Always good to hear from you. BTW, I watched the trailer for Tripping Through Time. Lovely! The dog in the story convinced me I want to read this very soon!

  2. I am so jealous!

    I wish I could have been there it sounds really fun.
    I will have to keep a lookout for anything in NC like this.
    take care,

  3. You did a great job on creating your costume. I can see you put a lot of work into to make it look authentic. Looks good on you, too.
