Katherine, here to talk about some research I've been doing on herbal remedies. Throughout time, herbs have made the
difference between life and death on the battlefield and in every day living before
the age of antibiotics. It’s hard to believe that people in previous centuries
died from simple ailments like colds, fevers, and sinus infections, all minor inconveniences
we take for granted every day.
Several of the characters in my historical romance
books have needed treatment from medical professionals. (I shiver thinking
about a diagnosis which led to bleeding or the application of leeches when we know today that blood
cells increased the ability to fight off disease.) Thankfully, medicine has
come a long way during the 20th Century, and strides are being made in the 21st Century on
a day-to-day basis. But since my books take place during the Napoleonic Wars, 1795-1815, my
characters are limited to what was available to them at the time.
Here are just a few herbs I’ve discovered in my
research, and their medicinal properties:
Tongue: Well-known by country folk. Fresh leaves bring down swelling and limit inflammation. When gathered with
morning dew, the leaves can be set in a room filled with fleas. Fleas are drawn
to leaf and can then be cast out. Found growing in April and May. Seeds ripened
in September.
Needle: Heals ulcers and fresh wounds and keeps them from
spreading. Helps draw out splinters and soothes burns. Bruise herb with salt,
vinegar and hog’s grease. Found almost everywhere, but prefers wet ground.
Sweet herb used for wounds, new and old. Found in woods and copses.
Foot: Small herb that cures ruptures. Ingest as a drink or
apply to surface. Good when ingested to break up kidney stones. Best used as
ointment or plaster on wounds. Found on heaths and untilled land.
Thistle/Carduus Benedictus: Cures sores, boils, and itch.
Drink concoction.
and Bugloss: Well-known to gardeners. Leaves and
roots used in fevers to defend the heart and expel poison or venom. Juice is
made into a syrup and is used with other cooling, opening, cleansing herbs to
open obstructions and cure yellow jaundice, and mixed with fumitory, to cool,
cleanse and temper the blood. Found in the wild and grows plentifully near
London between Rotherhithe and Deptford by the ditch.
Bonnet: Wholesome herb. Good for chest or breast disease,
pains, stitches in the side, and expels crude and raw humors from the stomach.
Congeals blood resulting from falls and/or bruises. Good for healing wounds.
Roots are boiled in wine and imbibed. The herb is also good for washing and
bathing wounds to remove infection. Found in the wild, under hedges, and
pathways in shadowy fields.
Grows two feet high with narrow, smooth, dark green leaves. Herb or root is
boiled in wine and ingested for plague, disease and fever, and poison. Add
honey of roses for swelling. Eases a woman’s pain during menses, helps resolves
gassy issues, and expels worms. Found in wild dry meadows and fields about
Appledore, near Rye, in Kent.
Root: Dried root made into powder and mixed with sugar is
good for kidney stones, bladder issues, and stopping woman’s courses. Boil root
in vinegar, beat afterward, and then make an ointment with hog’s suet or oil of
trotters for scabs and itching. Heals putrid sores. Found in shadowy, moist
ground in dry open borders and fields. Flowers end of June-July. Seeds ripe in
Used by Italians to heal wounds. Bruise leaves and bind wound. Juice used to cleanse
sores. Combine sugar or honey to purse/cleanse body, and tough phlegm and to
open liver and spleen. Found growing on dry sandy soil. Flowers July. Seed ripe
in August.
Blade Root: Half a drachm/powder of roots. Add to wine
or vinegar. Good for poison and infection. Make a compound balsam for wounds
and burns.
Briony Root/Tetter Berries: Wild, rampant in hedges. Leaves,
fruit, and root, cleanse old sores, and combat running cankers, gangrenes, and
tetters (Called Tetter Berries by country folk) Use powder of dry root. Apply
to skin of broken bones, foul scars, scabs, mange, and gangrene.
Betony: Bruise the green herb and apply to wound, or make a
juice and ingest. Good for any wound in the head or body. It will heal and
close up veins or cuts, and mend splinted broken bones. Found in the woods and
shady places.
Or if you’re Cornish, you might prefer to try these
Miners applied Mundic to a cut and always washed an injury in water that ran
through mundic ore.
Dry flowers and make into a tea to cure an upset stomach.
Boil mustard with a pint of beer to cure rheumatism.
Leaf: Rub dock leaf over the stings of nettles.
The cure for madness is to immerse a person in water to the point of drowning,
and then repeat.
I pray we never have to resort to picking herbs to
combat disease and discomforting ailments. But if we do, I’d like to have these
herbs in my garden. Wouldn’t you?
Cornish Sayings, Superstitions and Remedies by Kathleen Hawke Keren
Culpeper’s Complete Herbal by Nicholas Culpeper
Are there any herbal remedies you’d like to add?
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