by Barbara Bettis
It’s Spring!
The Vernal (March) Equinox has come (Monday, March 20, this
Most of us usually want to dance and celebrate the end of
winter and the promise of sun, warmth, birth and renewal. It feels like a new
year. In fact, March 25 was once considered the beginning of the year. But it
wasn’t just the earth’s renewal.
In Christian tradition March 25 is Annunciation Day, when
the angel Gabriel told the Virgin Mary that she was to bear a son,(to which
she gave birth nine months later, to the day.) March 25 came to be known as
Lady Day.
Christians were not the first to observe this beginning of
new life. The celebration stretches back so far, it’s mythical. Before Christ’s
birth, the renewal of the earth after a long, hard winter was a joyous time.
Plants now would grow, animals give birth, and the period of hunger and
discomfort would come to an end for another seven or eight months.
The coming of spring, then, was vigorously celebrated. People
rejoiced, worshipping the gods and/or goddesses associated with fertility and
life. One such was Eostre (Ostara). Eostre was a Saxon/Germanic goddess of
fertility. Her symbols were said to have been the egg and the rabbit. 

If that goddess sounds vaguely familiar, she should. Easter
comes from her name (or as one source says, the Old Norse word “Eostur, meaning
the time when the sun began to grow warmer”). (
Now about that date, March 25. Under the old Julian calendar, the beginning of spring, AKA
the Vernal Equinox, fell on March 25. In medieval Britain, that day also marked
the beginning of the calendar year (although sources say the Romans brought
with them their tradition of celebrating the new year in January that continued
in the Middle Ages.) Not only did the calendar year start on March 25, Lady Day
is one of the four quarter days of the medieval year when taxes were collected.
(Yep, the medieval April 15 J )
But Pope Gregory XIII, in 1582, revised the calendar,
dropping ten days. The Gregorian Calendar became common in most European
Catholic countries, but Protestant England didn’t adopt it until 1752. Oh, and
that English Calendar Act in 1752 also moved the beginning of the year from
March 25 to Jan. 1. That’s why some dates seem ‘flexible’ when reported in
historical documents.
The Gregorian calendar was an attempt to make sure church
holiday fell at the right times of the year. The determination of Easter
continued to fluctuate, however, because “Easter
falls on
the first Sunday following the first full moon after the vernal equinox. If the
first full moon occurs on the equinox, Easter is
the following Sunday.” That was established in 325 by the Council
of Nicaea. (
The exact date of the equinox can be a bit nebulous. In
fact, it can occur March 19, 20, or 21.
What are equinoxes? They occur twice a year (spring and
autumn) when days and nights are exactly the same number of hours all over the
world. “[A]t the precise moment…(that it occurs) exactly one-half of the earth
is illuminated by the sun’s rays while the other half is in darkness, producing
a day and night that are both twelve hours long.” (
In the old belief, according to, they “were
considered a time of balance, not only between dark and light, but between
worlds as well and, therefore, a time of high magical potential. More
mundanely, the festival signified the time for spring planting and fertility
Balance, yes. But magic? Contradictory? Not for Spring, with
its rebirth and regeneration and its promise for a new, bright season. I don’t
know about you, but when I see trees budding and daffodils and tulips winking
brightly around the lawn, I feel a bit of magic in the air.
Happy Vernal Equinox. Happy Lady Day. Happy Spring.
Barbara Bettis is the author of medieval romance and Heroes
to Live For. Her latest, The Lady of the
Forest, is currently on sale for 99 cents.
Here’s a peek at the blurb:
He must pursue his
enemy; she must protect her people. Can their love survive the duties that
drive them apart?
When her elderly
husband dies, Lady Katherine fakes her own death and disappears into the forest
with others escaping the brutish new lord. Determined to protect her
people, she knocks the wrong man senseless. But Lord Henry isn’t an
enemy, he’s the brother of her childhood friend. Although his tender confidence
tempts her, she’s bound by duty.
Henry of Chauvere has found the one lady he wants for his
own, never mind she’s tied him hand and foot. When he learns the king has
ordered her to wed Stonehill’s ruthless new master, he insists Kate seek haven
with his sister. But she won’t desert her friends. Henry vows to solve her
problem, provided he catches a traitor before the threat from Kate's past
catches her.

When a daring rescue compels Henry and Kate to join forces,
their attraction grows into love. If only duty didn’t drive them apart.
I didn't realize how much happens with just a few short weeks in the spring--and how symbol-laden each thing is. I loved being your guest today.
Thanks for joining us today, Lady Barbara! What a great post. Loved the symbolism! ;)
Of course only the astronomers know for sure. In Ancient Athens -- just to throw more stuff into the fire -- the new year did not start until the day after the first new moon after the summer solstice. All the other societies in the ancient Med had their days when they began their years as well. So what that a Northern society happened to celebrate their's at the beginning of spring. I really am a student of ancient practices and I get extremely upset when modern people misuse a little information about ancient peoples and then proceed to claim their amalgamation ancient. I look up to Diogenes.
Beautiful post Barbara! It combines a little of all things I enjoy reading and learning about.
Very interesting post and great blurb. Thanks for sharing!
What a wonderful post, Barbara! I am definitely ready to dance and celebrate the end of winter. :-)
Enjoyed your post Barbara. I am fascinated by how we have measured time over the years and still fascinated by day light savings time. I've always wanted to live in one of those places where if you're on the east side of town it's 10:00 a.m. and on the west side of town it's 9:00 a.m.
GOOD luck with your writing!
Being non-Christian, I have always found it amusing that Christians pick the date of Easter based on science (equinox) and magic (phases of the moon). Good post!
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